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Laptop & Computer Access

Our vision for digital and information literacies

Digital and information literacies engages with the DC vision (Grow. Discover. Dream.) to support:

  • structured and purposeful inquiry

  • investigating, creating, personalising, communicating, collaborating and organising.

  • being responsible for their own learning.

  • digital citizenship

  • developing and applying strategies for critical and creative thinking, making connections, and applying new understandings and skills in different contexts

  • international mindedness

  • authentic use of technology within learning and teaching

  • embracing new opportunities where technology can enhance learning


Laptop and Computer Access

  • Students in Year 1-2 will access iPads provided by the College when required

  • Students in Year 3-5 will access Laptops and iPads provided by the College when required

  • Students in Year 6 and above will use one to one computing and are required to buy a laptop computer and associated software in line with the current model being supported in the College.

  • all teaching staff are provided with a laptop computer and are required to use this for investigation, reflection, evaluation, lesson planning, developing resources, presenting and organising ideas, administration, reporting, communication with other staff, parents and students

  • Students may be asked to help develop and sign essential agreements about when and how laptops are used that are year level specific


Mobile devices and any devices with a camera are explicitly banned from any area of the school where privacy may be of concern, for example, changing rooms and toilets.

* Discovery College does not support Window devices.

Year 6 - Year 9 Laptop Choices

Chromebook 1:1 Programme

All students enrolling at Discovery College in Year 6 to Year 9 are recommended to purchase a Chromebook.  For academic year 2024/2025 the Chromebook model recommended is:

Details will be sent to current Year 5 parents(23/24) on when the portal becomes active for purchase. Purchase and payment should be made before 3rd May 2024 to ensure your child’s laptop is ready for Aug 24/25.

Click to download pdf brochure for 24/25

For new students entering Year 6 in 2024/2025, details will be sent via the admission team, but you will use the same portal as existing students.

MacBook 1:1 Programme

If parents prefer, Year 6 - Year 9 students in 2024/2025 have the option of purchasing an Apple laptop instead of a Chromebook.​

Click here to download the brochure for MacBook 24/25

Purchase and payment of both devices (Chromebook or Apple) can be made through the portal

Click here to download payment instructions.

Please note: parents are not obligated to purchase through the schools recommended vendor; they can choose to purchase their device through another vendor of their choice.

Any Year 6 to Year 9 pupils commencing in the remainder of the year 2024/2025, please contact the ICT Office ( regarding purchasing this year’s Chromebook model.

Year 10 - Year 13 Apple Laptop 1:1 Programme

All students enrolling at Discovery College in Year 10 or above are still recommended to purchase an Apple laptop. 

We also highly recommend you buy a USB backup drive of at least 2TB to protect your child’s work. 

The school has negotiated very favourable prices and the pricing can be found on the ordering portal. This pricing is around 10-13% below retail and below normal education pricing. Apple’s authorised agent Senco-Masslink is handling the purchase as it does for the majority international schools in HK. This agreement allows families to buy up to two Apple computers (one laptop, one desktop) each year at this discount rate.

Click here to download the brochure for Year 10-13 1:1 Laptop Order Programme.

Purchase and payment (Apple) can be made through the portal

Please note: parents are not obligated to purchase through the schools recommended vendor; they can choose to purchase their device through another vendor of their choice.

Laptop collection for current academic year

Laptops are delivered to the school and once onboarded students will be contacted for collection. 

Laptop Insurance

We also recommend that parents of students in Year 6 and above ensure that insurance coverage is provided for their student’s laptops. 

Laptop Compliance

To ensure smooth and productive user experience, all student laptops used within the college will be automatically checked for compliance in terms of content and applications loaded.

Responsible Use agreement

All students who enter the College agree to abide by the responsible use agreement. A copy can be found in the Parent & Student Handbook.

Start of Year Check

We collect student laptops for a compliance check, system software upgrade, application installation, password administration, and general maintenance during the first two weeks of school. Please clearly label your name, network user name, and password on your laptop before you hand it over. The laptops will be collected and returned on the same day where possible.

Discovery College ICT Service Centre

The ICT Service Centre is located next to the Nurse’s room on the ground floor. Our ICT Technicians can be contacted directly by phone 3969 1000 or by email

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