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North Vietnam -
Ethnic Community Engagement

Beyond Hong Kong

Year 8, Year 9

Group Size


Northern Vietnam is a fascinating place, home to the majority of the 53 minority ethnic groups that live in Vietnam. This trip gives you an authentic experience with Muong Au Ta and Dao people as well as a broad overview of the other groups at the Ethnology Museum in Hanoi.

This trip includes a mix of C.A.S activities including working with a community partnership where our support will greatly impact the local community.

While in the localities there will be opportunities for sightseeing, physical activities and historical visits.



  • During the 4 day trip, enjoy life away from the big city in small villages. The local people will teach you their customs, handicrafts, cuisine and dances. You will also have an opportunity to kayak on the lake and go fishing. Hike through a bamboo forest, harvest veggies from their organic gardens and prepare them for dinner, explore a cave and discover natural medicine and techniques for making paper and dying textiles.

  • This CBT (community based tourism) program was developed in 2017 as a social enterprise to help empower local communities to learn sustainable living.

  • On Day 6 we’ll return to Hanoi, the vietnamese capital. Your hotel is located in the bustling Old Quarter, to enjoy street artists and shopping.


  • Duration - 6 nights / 7 days

  • Departure date - Saturday, 9 November

  • Return date -  Friday 15, November

  • Transport -  Flights

  • Accommodation - Shared rooms in a hotel

Estimated Cost


The programme fees are subject to price fluctuations involving currency, transportation costs, the number of students signing up, and activity costs. We aim to manage the cost of this trip/activity effectively, and we will re-adjust/re-calculate the cost prior to the final payment in Aug/Sep 2024.

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