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China - Guilin
Language Immersion

Beyond Hong Kong

Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12

Group Size


Students will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in local culture and traditions throughout the week and undertake cultural exchange with agentic opportunities for real-life community engagement. Opportunities for developing school based engagement within the context of language will support their principled actions.



  • Immerse in the Mandarin language and develop language skills through lessons and real-life interactions in everyday life

  • Cultural exchange and community engagement activities with Chinese community members

  • Explore the breathtaking natural landscapes in the region including a river cruise, hikes around the Karst mountains, stunning markets and temple visits.


Duration - 6 nights / 7 days

Departure date - Saturday, 9 November

Return date -  Friday, 15 November

Transport -  High Speed Rail, Kowloon to Guilin

Accommodation - Shared rooms at CLI (Chinese Language Institute)

Estimated Cost


The programme fees are subject to price fluctuations involving currency, transportation costs, the number of students signing up, and activity costs. We aim to manage the cost of this trip/activity effectively, and we will re-adjust/re-calculate the cost prior to the final payment in Aug/Sep 2024.

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