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Cambodia - Siem Riep
School based service

Beyond Hong Kong

Year 8, Year 9

Group Size


Working directly with the NGO Treak, students will undertake in-school principled action in areas of requirement (sports, art and science) as identified by the school.  Language lessons, skills-based activities and environmental support will re-establish a long standing relationship with this locality.

Volunteering within the school will be complemented with opportunities to explore the stunning locality and experience the historic sites and cultural experiences around Siem Riep.



  • Opportunities for budding artists, scientists and sport coaches to plan for and support the delivery of service within a school environment

  • Leave a lasting legacy behind supporting a school community in areas where they need support

  • Visit the historic and majestic temples of Angkor Wat, explore the locality  by bike, experience a local circus show and local cuisine

  • Opportunities to celebrate and sample Bon Om Touk, the local water festival with dragon boat races, carnivals and markets will also arise.


  • Duration - 6 nights / 7 days

  • Departure date - Saturday, 9 November

  • Return date -  Friday, 15 November

  • Transport -  Flights

  • Accommodation - Shared rooms in a hotel

Estimated Cost


The programme fees are subject to price fluctuations involving currency, transportation costs, the number of students signing up, and activity costs. We aim to manage the cost of this trip/activity effectively, and we will re-adjust/re-calculate the cost prior to the final payment in Aug/Sep 2024.

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