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Emergency arrangements and Lockdown

Discovery College has very robust systems in place to ensure the safety of students, staff, and visitors. Practice drills for Emergency Evacuations and/or Lockdowns are held each term so that staff and students know what to do in the case of a real emergency. These drills are often held without warning in order to gauge our preparedness and improve our procedures (if necessary).

Emergency Evacuation

The signal for an Emergency Evacuation will be the continuous ringing of the bell. Emergency Evacuations will be carried out in cases of fire, gas leaks, bomb threats, or other emergency situations where it is deemed that safety will be enhanced by moving from the school building to the emergency assembly area, located on the Foreshore.

If it is deemed unsafe to use the Foreshore, Siena Park between Discovery College and Club Siena will be used. Parents and others who arrive at the school will be directed to gather outside Club Siena.


The signal for a Lockdown will be the stop-start ringing of the bell. Other instructions may be given as required.

Lockdowns will be carried out in situations where it is deemed that staff, student and visitor safety will be enhanced by remaining in rooms. This could include threats both outside and inside of the school.

The signal to end the Lockdown will be the continuous ringing of the bell for 3-5 seconds.

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